On August 3rd of last year we visited Camp Hero, the former US Air Force base located at the very end of Long Island in Montauk. Originally de-commissioned in the late 60's, conspiracy theorists believe the base, along with it's SAGE radar system, continued to be secretly used to further the mind control and time travel experiments started with Project Rainbow, otherwise known as The Philadelphia Experiment. According to legend, Runaway kids were rounded up and used in testing, some having their psychic abilities enhanced to where they were able to materialize things out of thin air. Time portals were created allowing researchers to travel in time and space, even exploring underground tunnels on Mars. Things finally went awry after the Montauk Project successfully connected with the 1943 U.S.S. Eldridge, the ship used for the original Philadelphia Experiment, on August 12, 1983 - 40 years after the ship's initial disappearance and rumored dimensional travel. During this meeting in time, two men, Al Bielek and Duncan Cameron, claimed to have leaped from the U.S.S. Eldridge while in hyperspace, landing disoriented in 1983 Camp Hero. Shortly after 'Junior', a monster from another dimension, was unleashed and wrecked havoc across the base forcing all power to the station and the SAGE radar to be cut physically with axes. Some say Junior still lurks around the area near the former Battery sites. Since the 80's, most of the facility has been sealed off, with the bunkers even filled in with cement. A few years ago the grounds were re-opened as a state park with all of the structures off limits to the public. We sneaked through the fences to get a closer look at the SAGE and some of the grounds. The woods surrounding the camp carry a strange atmosphere with uprooted trees and twisted branches that have since grown into a bizarre lattice. I recommend wiki-ing The Montauk Project. It's fascinating reading. ~ss.
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